Sunday, November 23, 2014

Beef Burger

This is a classic Beef Burger prepared by my hubby (Alex). This is his recipe and credit goes to him alone. Burger tastes yummy and will want to try out every weekend. Try this recipe and let me  know your comments. Happy cooking and eating ):

Beef mince - 500gms
Egg - 1 nos
Bread crumbs - 1/2 cup
Black pepper powder - 1 tbsp
Onion - 1 big (scrape the onions with a scaper)
Parsley - one hand full or corriender leaves half hand full
Salt - to taste

Lightly wisk the eggs. Scrape the onions with a scraper. Don't scrape it too small, or it will turn watery. Add the scraped onions, wisked egg, pepper and salt to the beef mince. You can add a handful of parsley, or if not available you can add half a handful of coriander leaves. Since coriander leaves are pungent and strong in flavour, half a hand full will do. Mix all these ingredients well. Your mixture will be slightly watery, so add bread crumbs to even it out.
Now roll it into medium size balls in the palm of your hands and flaten the top and bottom to shape it into burger patties. Make the patties of a same size so that they will cook evenly. Now freeze them in the fridge for at least an hour. You can store them as patties for later use too. Once you patties are frozen and firm. You can heat a flat base pan and lightly oil it. You don't need more oil as the fat from the burger will ooze out. Once you pan is hot, place the patties and please don't thaw it around. It will come off once the fat releases from the patties. You can grill them for 5 mins on each side. Touch the center if the burger and you should get a bit of a bounce back. Your burger is cooked. Please dont press the bugger while cooking with spatula as it will release all the juices and your burger will be dry.
Once they are cooked, let them rest on a plate for 2 to 3 minutes before assembling.
Cut a bun and toast it in and out. You can add any dressing you like egs. lettuces, onions, tomatoes, cheese and even egg. It's left to you.
I like my burgers plain and simple. So I have just added a bit of mayo, dill and lemon sauce on one cheek of the bun and a chilly tomato sauce on the other.  
Now enjoy your burger.

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