Monday, September 15, 2014

Cucumber Curd Salad

Cucumber Curd Salad is a refreshing accompaniment to a main course with Meat or Fish. This salad is a simple and easy to prepare recipe. This is a great side dish for summer which is healthy and tasty. 

Cucumber - 2 nos (cut to small cube pieces)
Curd - ½ pack
Tomato - 1 nos (seeds out and chopped)
Green chillies- 3 nos (seeds out and chopped)
Salt - to taste
White pepper powder - ½ tsp
Coriander leaves - for garnishing

- Add and mix all ingredients in a bowl and garnish with coriander leaves.
- Delicious cucumber curd salad is ready to serve with rice.

- Salt and pepper can be adjusted to taste.
- Refrigerate for half hour before serving.

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